Thursday, June 27, 2024

Where's Lucky? - June 2024 update

Wow I have been lazy with this blog. No update since February.
Also I am on Primfeed now aswell as Flickr. Have a look over there, Im more active than my blog.

Where the hell have I been?

In short, I'm still in Second Life, I'm still a prostitute and still around.

I'm Right here

kthx, that's the month update. So long till next time.

Ok I will write more. 😋
There's been some things going on behind the scenes, I wont name names and I wont say in detail what happen but I have decided to move around and goto new areas and opportunity's. I left Street Whores and I closed Garage Bar in March of 2024. 
Not an easy decision since I had spent the last year there, but the traffic and community has been dying for along time. I thought I could help but the support from the "owners" was non existed and felt I was just being taken advantage of.

Am I sad at the decision? sure. I remember back in March 2023 when I first arrived, there was allot of activity and I learned allot (well all) of how to be a Second Life Prostitute. Lesson and times I will remember in my Second Life forever.

March 2023 - First visit to a Bar 5. Not the last visit

April 2023 - Dancing on Stage

May 2023 - Still Learning on the job

So Where the bloody hell am I?

Well, many places. 
Mostly hanging around Bar No.5, Mostly Noir Wen
If you read old posts, I have mentioned Bar No.5 before. I've been close to allot of the girls and guys over there so I hang around them.

Sunset at Noir Wen with a cowboy. Poetic I guess

Me, Dora, Nana and Clarissa "busy"

Master and slave in HH.

Or find me around Hooker Hotel lookin for a trick. Rough Love and Violation has been another I've on again, off again visiting since August last year. And sometimes Gutter Trash Alley

So thats where I have been.

Where the fuck am I going?

Good question. I have no idea what im doing tommorow let alone in the long future. I got idea's but if I will do who knows.

I have been thinking of making small porn clips.
I was thinking of bringing Garage Bar back maybe somewhere
Write more on my blog
Sell my little rosebud (duh I was gonna go that. Im an SL whore and I got no plans to stop now)

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Its has been 1 interesting year

 Well, how about that. 1 year on Second Life

The Music (nothing to do with the update. Its just what I was listening to)
Hausman & Lumynesynth - Faded

February 4th 2023, I started SL. Walking through the new user area. Learned the controls, get confused at where to go, What I would get out of using this program. Learning new things (What the hell was an emote and how do you do one), Why do so many people want sex?

February 4th 2024, I'm still here. Unlike so many other new users, some I would of walked past when I started in the orientation area, I stuck around. (Don't know if I should be proud or ashamed I'm still using Second Life 😋)

Same spot as 3 months and Feb 7th 2023. I'm Original

And a compellation of the same spot. Feb 7th 2023, May 7th 2023, and Feb 7th 2024.

Fishing for money

So a recap of where I ended up over that year.
Started off learning that things cost money, or lindens. Being young, I decided to do what some do. Fish. Yeah, For the first month of February, I was a fisher. I would spend countless time doing the Gold Hunt fishing game. In my first month, I made a cool 600 Lindens. I though I was hot shit. (Oh was I wrong). My first friend/Mistress laughed at me for doing that. Telling me it was a terrible way to make money in SL. She told me I should just buy some Lindens to get a head start. So I brought 10,000L with a left over Xmas gift card. Brought a Maiterya Lara body, some clothes, Got a genus strong head, Brought a skin on sale.

About a week later she told me a better way to make money. 

The Old Fishing hole.

Different Fishing for money

Yeah, you know where this section is heading. I tried my hand at sex work in Second Life. Lets just say, something that at the start of 2023, never thought I would write Im a second life sex worker. Or even in Second Life.

Starting out I thought it would be a waste of time. No one will hire transexuals, I will never be the same as the other girls in this business.

Again, I was wrong. (This is gonna be a running theme) I like to think I succeeded in this business. I carved out a niche, I made a bit of name for myself, and in a shocking turn of events, I'm now someone new whores come to and ask questions on how to do this. It wasn't that long ago I was the one asking the questions. And to the surprise of allot of others, I'm only 1 year old now. People have been thinking I'm older this whole time. Guess I picked up the ropes pretty quick.

I found a haunt when i started, Street Whores. And its now my number 1 spot. I own a bar there, An Apartment. Does it have problems, sure. But its still the place where theres activity in my time, I know the people that are also there. In a strange way, found a community to hang with. I suppose in 2024, I will be doing much of the same. But who knows what it will throw at me.

The Corner where I started till Tsai messaged me 30 seconds there.

The Old stage back on March 11th. Not even 2 weeks as a whore.

The Stage is now gone.

A Welcome Hobby

Someone once told me when I started whoring, "you cant do this all the time, you will go crazy.". They are right, and for once I wasn't wrong because I agreed with them. SL is more than just sex, you can be creative, you can be social. You can do whatever. I looked around for awhile for something else to do. I tried sailing but my boat allways bugged crossing the region borders. I tried creating tattoo's to limited success. In May someone told me about golf in SL. Intriguing, so i went and go some free demo clubs, played a round and was hooked. 

Lucky, prostitute and professional SL golfer. Sounds weird but...........*shrugs shoulders* We all have to do something else. and its part of what will draw me to some of the other girls and make me like them. There not just sex workers, thats just an SL job. They are people who will do other things in SL. I know people who do Role Playing games, know ones who just goto clubs and hang out. For me, I play golf, hit the clubs.

Am I any good at golf? yeah kind of. I'm not winning tournaments but Im having fun and its a distraction I have majorly taken up. Doing SLPGA competitions, and just small competitions aswell. Won a few trophy's, Won a Roll Royce for hitting a hole in one 😁

So expect me around the links more in 2024 (I might change my outfit. Its not very golfy)

Posing at the club house. Also wanted to show me on the leaderboard 😝

I'm sure the Scots will disapprove of what I'm wearing

2024 Plans

I dont know lol. One of the things I like about SL, I have no idea what Im gonna be doing next week or what even at the end of the year if I'm still around.

Running my new bar Garage, building a brand/community, Hosting more events. Thats something Im still pushing for.

Playing more golf.

Still roaming the streets.

But I also want to get more into creative, recently I have been playing around in Blender. Learning to mesh buildings and static objects. Never know, the Feb 2 year update could be how I'm a builder. And I guess that's why I stuck with SL. I have no idea what's I'm going to do next. 

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Scourge of Noon

This is a post I've wanted to write for awhile.

The Scourge of noon


Shut up that its not noon on the clock. I was busy with a client at midnight

Being Australian is great. Friendly (kinda lol), fun. Know how to have a good time.
Being Australian in Second Life as a whore is horrible.

The time zone sucks, and for one simple reason.........The Scourge of Noon as I call it.
It baffles my mind that the owners of allot of these places focus all there attention on noon SL time. One person told me its the core of our business. While I understand its the best time for the Europeans and American users to be online and get the most people in there places. I also have to listen to these owners complain other times are empty.  They don't even attempt to organize outside noon. Its either noon or nothing.

And personally, you feel like an outsider in the cliques that form. You have to listen to these girls and guys brag about all the fun, money and happenings at noon. Sometimes I do want to just tell them to STFU. By the time you log on to SL, everyone is off to bed. When you log off at the end of (hopefully a profitable day), they are logging on.

Some readers might know, some readers might not. I recently opened my own bar in Street Whores, Garage.

The front

Upstairs chillout

The Bar (important part)

Not to compete with other places. But to fill that time slot all other places overlook. A place where I can say, well If I'm gonna miss all the events, I'm gonna host my own events.

If you know me (you should get to know me), I always like to try new things and starting a bar is something i have though about for awhile but didn't really have the drive. Well, a few bragging girls and feeling like an outsider has given me a drive to do it.  

Have I learned anything. Yeah.

1 - I should of read Jess-X blog before i started. My transaction history is a mess. Especially this post 

(Go read the whole blog. She's a good writer)

2 - That sometimes i doubt myself and I shouldn't. Especially in SL. The cost of failure is just a bit of pride.

Friday, December 22, 2023

By Any Means - Part 1

Sorry for the lack of updates. Been kind of neglecting the blog for a bit. 

September was a busy time for a whore and October I was away in RL. November I just never really though of anything to write. But I have decided to do something i have wanted to do for awhile, 

The By Any Means Challenge.

The Journey Music

Its Simple, we start at one side of the world, and we traverse the lands of SL by any means. 


I began in co2sos. A non profit organization. Unfortunately its in another language and I don't really understand it.

We start here at co2sos

There's a water area at the edge of the continent but I was greeted by what I called one of those 90's webpages with random gifs on it.

ummmmmmmmmm ok

and a Dinosaur across the road. 

more ummmmmmmm ok

And just like any Jurassic Park movie. It was time to get in a car, and get the hell out of there.

A different Jurassic Park. Escape them in style


My next stop of interest was the eerie quiet Lower Crowne Heights Community, Loxich.

An empty street. Worst thing for a whore like me

Kind of reminded me of one of those mock towns somewhere. The town is full of mannequin's and empty buildings (plus mannequin's).


Also creepy. But in a 50's theme

I miss Annie's. She at least you gave you a happy ending at her's

Anyway, this empty city was giving me the chills so it was time to leave. There is also a rezzer for our next mode of transport, a Vespa. As a Scrubs fan, I shall call it Sasha.

Free is free

Lets get the hell out of here. Also riding with eyes closed


Well Sasha wasn't needed for long. Not long after leaving Loxich, we reached the end of the road. And onto a cannel. Thankfully a free boat.

I will aways remember you Sasha

Who puts a canel in the middle of the road?

After whatever i called the bike. Onto Freebie McBoat


Sailing for a bit, I reached the Ganga Farm. Time to light one up and have a break. They provide free joints. Of course i went straight for the bong hut and chilled.

Smooth sailing into whereever

Jamaica.......or The Ganga Farm

(My hair and clothes changed and it quickly turned to night. That's the power of weed (or I left of a few days and came back to do more of the journey)

Toking in the hut

After taking a toke, and looking for munchie, time to do what any great stoner would do. Hijack a canoe and continue on.

Weed and canoes. What could go wrong

Sadly as soon as we crossed the sim boundary the canoe derezzed. Up shitcreek with a paddle (but no canoe)

Yep. Weed and Canoes went wrong.

Where i discovered a monument to Winter. A Real dolphin who died in 2021.

I also discovered ridable Dolphins. I shall name him John West (ok im gonna feel bad about this name)

Me and *sobs* John West


After a bit of riding John West (*crys* Why do I pick bad names. Someone remind me never to have children or at least name them) we reached the end of the cannel. Guess its time to say goodbye to John West (STOP IT LUCKY!!!) and continue on the road.

John West (I'm such a horrible person) at someone's coffee hut

Bye John West. Im sooo sorry.


I'll end Part 1 here. This is gonna be a few blogs big. I havn't even reach the end of the first continent yet.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The Slow month - The August Update

Your monthly music

Live - Dolphin's Cry

Relaxing in my pool on a clear day

Well, It happened. I learned what Tsai was talking about in her blog when I started. The dreaded summer slump

Yup, quiet. My friends list is almost empty, Im busying my time with trying new things. I even started a flickr account to take some pictures (Bri keep'd telling me to start one)

My Flickr
Give that a follow, I'm probably updating that more than my blog.

So what can a poor street girl do in a time like this, We could turn to god. They say the good lord can provide.

Unfortunately he didn't.

I could try a bar. Fiver's Bar No.5 has always been good since May. and I hear she has a new place.

Alone in a bar. How sad.

I could try an ad board but it shows my lack of marketing skills (and my lack of maturity 😋)

I can sense Boo's disgust in me in her ad board

I'll shall see how the ad board plays out. I suspect, not thing will happen and it was wasted Lindens on something that might provide the girls a giggle for 5 seconds.

Ok that has been more comedic than I usually write but it has been very quiet. A few jobs but nothing like normal. I should listen to Tsai more. She's full of wisdom. Her otter son on the other hand bleeds me dry as I cant help buy him fish every time I see him. 😋

Apart from a lack of business, I have continued golfing. The SLPGA 2023 Summer Classic just ended and I finished better than I suspected. I messed up a bit so I could of been higher. 😞 Next time hopefully.

Better than expected

 So thats the month. Not allot. Really hard writing this update. Hopefully next month I can write more.

Ciao, Lucky. XOXO

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Whats been happening in July

You monthly music

Its that time. 
For the
*drum rolls* 
The July update!!!!!!!!

Not allot has happened in July. (ok that was a bit of let down and didn't need the build up. But the monthly music title will give you my answer to your complaints 😆)

Played more golf in SL. Won a car by hitting a hole in one at a tournament. Really getting into golf in SL. Its something to do in the downtimes and Im kinda ok at it.

Golf. Dont ask why I'm naked.

Meet someone new who seems cool. Bri. Go follow her flikr. She takes some good pics.

At Mother Road * Photo taken by Bri

Also did some work on my house. Got a new campfire for the beach plus some chairs and did a little work updating the hottub area. Now its starting to look allot nicer
Hottub looking good.

The Beach Campfire.

Then finally I had time for people I know and love. She told me to not write her name on my blog but I have been with her since I started in Febuary, she helped me get started in SL and helped me out and been a big support. So we had some quiet time and cuddled. Havnt done that in awhile but was really nice to chat and relax

Good moments like these

And that was July. 
Next up date will probably be my 6 months since starting post. I've come along way since fishing for lindens all February.

Where's Lucky? - June 2024 update

Wow I have been lazy with this blog. No update since February. Also I am on Primfeed now aswell as Flickr. Have a look over there, Im more a...