Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Scourge of Noon

This is a post I've wanted to write for awhile.

The Scourge of noon


Shut up that its not noon on the clock. I was busy with a client at midnight

Being Australian is great. Friendly (kinda lol), fun. Know how to have a good time.
Being Australian in Second Life as a whore is horrible.

The time zone sucks, and for one simple reason.........The Scourge of Noon as I call it.
It baffles my mind that the owners of allot of these places focus all there attention on noon SL time. One person told me its the core of our business. While I understand its the best time for the Europeans and American users to be online and get the most people in there places. I also have to listen to these owners complain other times are empty.  They don't even attempt to organize outside noon. Its either noon or nothing.

And personally, you feel like an outsider in the cliques that form. You have to listen to these girls and guys brag about all the fun, money and happenings at noon. Sometimes I do want to just tell them to STFU. By the time you log on to SL, everyone is off to bed. When you log off at the end of (hopefully a profitable day), they are logging on.

Some readers might know, some readers might not. I recently opened my own bar in Street Whores, Garage.

The front

Upstairs chillout

The Bar (important part)

Not to compete with other places. But to fill that time slot all other places overlook. A place where I can say, well If I'm gonna miss all the events, I'm gonna host my own events.

If you know me (you should get to know me), I always like to try new things and starting a bar is something i have though about for awhile but didn't really have the drive. Well, a few bragging girls and feeling like an outsider has given me a drive to do it.  

Have I learned anything. Yeah.

1 - I should of read Jess-X blog before i started. My transaction history is a mess. Especially this post 

(Go read the whole blog. She's a good writer)

2 - That sometimes i doubt myself and I shouldn't. Especially in SL. The cost of failure is just a bit of pride.


  1. Firstly, thank you for the backlink aha. That always is nice.

    Secondly love this idea of opening a space to cater to the quieter time zones. I have a few X-Girls in Australia and it has been my head banging against a wall mission to try and find a way to focus a bit more on their time zones.

    Second Life is a weird place and it does have its peak times for sure but the way I see it, people are horny 24/7 so why not cater to that?

    I love that you're just saying "fuck it" and doing it for yourself. Good luck!

    1. I have seen Ebony Glendoven around. Not aware of any others but I havnt really checked. I just notice her come in street whores a bit.


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