Friday, December 22, 2023

By Any Means - Part 1

Sorry for the lack of updates. Been kind of neglecting the blog for a bit. 

September was a busy time for a whore and October I was away in RL. November I just never really though of anything to write. But I have decided to do something i have wanted to do for awhile, 

The By Any Means Challenge.

The Journey Music

Its Simple, we start at one side of the world, and we traverse the lands of SL by any means. 


I began in co2sos. A non profit organization. Unfortunately its in another language and I don't really understand it.

We start here at co2sos

There's a water area at the edge of the continent but I was greeted by what I called one of those 90's webpages with random gifs on it.

ummmmmmmmmm ok

and a Dinosaur across the road. 

more ummmmmmmm ok

And just like any Jurassic Park movie. It was time to get in a car, and get the hell out of there.

A different Jurassic Park. Escape them in style


My next stop of interest was the eerie quiet Lower Crowne Heights Community, Loxich.

An empty street. Worst thing for a whore like me

Kind of reminded me of one of those mock towns somewhere. The town is full of mannequin's and empty buildings (plus mannequin's).


Also creepy. But in a 50's theme

I miss Annie's. She at least you gave you a happy ending at her's

Anyway, this empty city was giving me the chills so it was time to leave. There is also a rezzer for our next mode of transport, a Vespa. As a Scrubs fan, I shall call it Sasha.

Free is free

Lets get the hell out of here. Also riding with eyes closed


Well Sasha wasn't needed for long. Not long after leaving Loxich, we reached the end of the road. And onto a cannel. Thankfully a free boat.

I will aways remember you Sasha

Who puts a canel in the middle of the road?

After whatever i called the bike. Onto Freebie McBoat


Sailing for a bit, I reached the Ganga Farm. Time to light one up and have a break. They provide free joints. Of course i went straight for the bong hut and chilled.

Smooth sailing into whereever

Jamaica.......or The Ganga Farm

(My hair and clothes changed and it quickly turned to night. That's the power of weed (or I left of a few days and came back to do more of the journey)

Toking in the hut

After taking a toke, and looking for munchie, time to do what any great stoner would do. Hijack a canoe and continue on.

Weed and canoes. What could go wrong

Sadly as soon as we crossed the sim boundary the canoe derezzed. Up shitcreek with a paddle (but no canoe)

Yep. Weed and Canoes went wrong.

Where i discovered a monument to Winter. A Real dolphin who died in 2021.

I also discovered ridable Dolphins. I shall name him John West (ok im gonna feel bad about this name)

Me and *sobs* John West


After a bit of riding John West (*crys* Why do I pick bad names. Someone remind me never to have children or at least name them) we reached the end of the cannel. Guess its time to say goodbye to John West (STOP IT LUCKY!!!) and continue on the road.

John West (I'm such a horrible person) at someone's coffee hut

Bye John West. Im sooo sorry.


I'll end Part 1 here. This is gonna be a few blogs big. I havn't even reach the end of the first continent yet.

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