Friday, May 19, 2023

The waiting

Sometimes it can be boring. The last week has been very quiet. Gotta travel around. Hooker Hotel has been good, My number 2 haunt. But thats the buisness. Anyway, just a short update because i felt like writing something and taking a picture.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

I promised a proper post. I shall deliver.

"The first real post"

Post Soundtrack - Heard Right & ORACLE - There For You

Ok this time is the first real post. My names Lucky. I started Second Life on February 4th 2023. Not the first time I have been in SL. I joined 9 years ago and was around for 2 days before quitting. This time I seemed to have stuck around longer.

Starting of I was confused by everything. What's a mesh? What's a maitreya? Why do people pay Lindens for SL sex (I soon learned)

How much I changed in three months. Feb 7th to May 7th.

SL is weird at the start. Your confused, Where do you go, what do you do, who do you chat too. I'm so glad I stuck with it this time. Meet some great people in that time. I will go over them in future posts if they want to write something or be included.

In March a friend of mine told me to try prostitution in SL, I jumped around a few sims till I found Street Whores. Finding a lamp post I placed myself there and waited. Nothing. Zilch. I wondered if this was a waste of time.

2nd day I try again and someone messages me. My first client?...........No. Another girl here named Tsai Cheng asking if I was a bot. We chat for a small moment when I said I was new. She gave me a link to her blog full of good information that helped me. I'll post links at the end.

My Lamp Post.

Now the bar I'm always at. Most times with more people lol

Since March I have been a Street Whore. Meet some cool people. Maybe they will be included in the future. Learned allot about SL through them. Made some awesome new friends. One who I just learned from there's a limit to the amount of items you can wear (its 36 max btw).

Lucky, signing off. Till next time peeps.


Tsai Cheng's blog -

Tsai's how to become a prostitute

New blog. First post. Somehow still late.

3 months in SL.

How time fly's. I was originally gonna start writing this blog last month as sort of a 2 month update but I forgot. And even now, I have no idea what to write for a first post.

So have a picture of where I went to do some inventory sorting and hopefully next post will have more details.

Relaxing by the beach. Taking it all in (and sorting all my junk lol)

Where's Lucky? - June 2024 update

Wow I have been lazy with this blog. No update since February. Also I am on Primfeed now aswell as Flickr. Have a look over there, Im more a...